Milestones in My Life

heloo guys 🙂 🙂 now I want to tell you about my milestones.
My name is Monalisa Aritonang. I was born in Sidikalang, on 04 July 1999. The first time I was born into the world I had no voice and cried. So my family panicked especially my mom. The nurse also dipped me into warm water and finally, I was crying and making a sound.
when I was 5 years old, my Mom put me in Kartika kindergarten, and on 25 June 2005, I graduated.
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After I had graduated from kindergarten, I continued my studies at the public elementary school at SDN 3 Sidikalang. When I was in elementary school, I was no longer taken by my Mom to school. Because my Mom said that I should be an independent kid. I had my elementary school for 6 years and I graduated in 2011.

I continued my studies at a public junior high school at SMPN 2 Sidikalang. When I was in first grade, I become one of the students in my favorite class, in this class, there are smart students. I had a junior high school for 3 years and I graduated in 2014.
Chiko's girlfriend
When I was 15, I continued my studies in public school at SMAN 2 Sidikalang. Actually, when I was in third grade in Junior High School, I have thinking to continue my studies at a vocational high school at SMKN 1 Sidikalang, but my Mom didn’t allow me to put the vocational School. Actually, I was forced by my Mom to take the public school at SMAN 2 SIdikalang. But time by time, I felt happy in this school because I have good friends.
When I was in the second grade, I became the second winner in my class. I was so happy. I am also proud of myself and my parents too.
When I was 17, I thought it was the best age for me. Why? Because when a person was 17 years old, it was the age of maturity for him/her and when i was 17, at this age,  I became more thoughtful. I became more able to sort out the important and unimportant things.
When I was in the third grade, I passed a national exam. And after that, I followed SBMPTN on 8 May 2017. When on 13 June 2017, I got PTN in Siliwangi Univerity. That was my thrid choice. But I didn’t take it because my parents and my family didn’t allow me. They said the acreditation of this university is C and it wasn’t good.
And then they asked me to follow independent way on UNJ. I followed the test of it but I wasn’t accepted at that university. After that my sister asked me to take Christian University. I registered to that university and then I start my study from September 2017 until now.
My idol in my milestones is my parents. They are my heroes. They are very important in my transition. They always support me. They raise me so well and I love my parents.

My Healthy Lifestyle

Hay Guys 🙂 🙂 🙂 Now I want to tell you about my healthy lifestyle:

  1. Drink Much Water
    This is the most important one for me. Water is very needed for our body. According to research, humans need 2 liters of water every day. So stay hydrated guys.


2. Eat fruits and vegetables
Besides drink much water, I also eat fruit and vegetable. Fruit and vegetable are also very important for our body because that contain a lot of fiber, which good for our good for our digestion.

WhatsApp Image 2018-03-27 at 20.37.13 (1)  Manfaat-dan-Khasiat-Sayuran-Daun

3. Doing Some Exercise
Every day I always some exercise with my sister. We do zumba and combat. It can make our body health and also burn fat. I will show you some video that we use to do zumba and combat.

4. Say No to MSG
When I always cook,  I never put MSG to my food because it is unhealthy.


Okay, that’s all about my healthy lifestyle. thank you 🙂

The Best Place For Holiday

Lake Toba


Hi guys 😀 I want to tell you about my experience. Do you know Lake Toba?  or have you ever go to Lake Toba? Maybe all of you have known about Lake Toba, right? Lake Toba is The largest lake in Southeast Asia. Lake Toba also has a very beautiful view.
Ok, so here are my experiences with Lake Toba.  When I went to lake Toba, I went with my sister and my friends on a private course. We toured the islands in Lake Toba on a walk. In Lake Toba, you will find many tourists. There was one place where there are many tourists from various countries, the name of the place is Tuktuk. When we passed Tuktuk, we met a couple of tourists. We talked to them. They said that they have never gone to lake Toba before. After talking to them, we taken a photo
with them.


It was my first experience meeting and talking with tourists and it felt amazing. When we wanted to go home, bus stopped at a place called Tomok for shopping. For information guys, if you want to buy oriental souvenirs, I recommend Tomok because in Tomok there are many kinds of souvenirs related to Toba Lake. After shopping, we went home.
I think Lake Toba is the most beautiful place I have ever visited.
If you go to North Sumatera, just go to Lake Toba and see the beauty of Lake Toba 😀


Traditional Food In My Family


The reason why i choose arsik because it is delicious and healthy.
I ever cook it with my mom. When first making it, I am a little confused with the ingredients, but my mom tell me patiently until i can cook it.
I think tourist will also like to eat arsik because arsik is a unique food.

I will show you the step to cook arsik:

How to Cook Arsik 

– 1 kg of carp
– 3 cm galangal, bruised
– 4 lemongrass, bruised
– 3 asam cikala, bruised
– 2 pieces asam kandis
– 3 rias torch ginger flower, bruised
– 12 shallots
– 8 cloves garlic
– 20 red chilli/cayenne peppers
– 3 cm ginger
– 3 cm turmeric
– 1 tbsp andaliman
– 1 bunch of Long beans
– 5 candlenut
– 2 bunch of onion chivees
– salt to taste

1.The first step is grind all the salt,chili,ginger,turmeric,shallots,cloves garlic,andaliman and candlenut until it crushed. After that make it to plate.
Menghaluskan Bumbu-Blender   iris bawang.jpg

2.The second step is cut long beans,and clean the onion chives.
3. The third step is Put the fish,long beans,lemongrass,galangal,asam kandis,rias,asam cikala and spices that have been mashed in to crock. After that pour the water in to crock.
4. The fourth step is coock it until 1 hour or until the water is rather dry.Once it’s cooked. Remove from the heat and enjoy!





Lirik lagu Dusk Till Dawn-Zayn Malik



Not tryna be indie
Not tryna be cool
Just tryna be in this
Tell me how you choose
Can you feel why you’re in this
Can you feel it through
All of the windows
Inside this room

‘Cause I wanna touch you, baby
And I wanna feel you, too
I wanna see the sunrise and your sins
Just me and you
Light it up, on the run
Let’s make love, tonight
Make it up, fall in love, try

But you’ll never be alone
I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn
I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I’m right here
I’ll hold you when things go wrong
I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn
I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I’m right here
I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I’m right here

We were shut like a jacket
So do your zip
We will roll down the rapids
To find a wave that fits
Can you feel where the wind is
Can you feel it through
All of the windows
Inside this room
‘Cause I wanna touch you, baby
I wanna feel you, too
I wanna see the sunrise and your sins
Just me and you
Light it up, on the run
Let’s make love tonight
Make it up, fall in love, try
But you’ll never be alone
I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn
I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I’m right here
I’ll hold you when things go wrong
I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn
I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I’m right here
Go, give love to your body
It’s only you that can stop it
Go, give love to your body
It’s only you that can stop it
Go, give love to your body
It’s only you that can stop it
Go, give love to your body
Go, give love to your body
But you’ll never be alone
I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn
I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I’m right here
I’ll hold you when things go wrong
I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn
I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I’m right here
I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I’m right here

Cara Membuat Nugget Pisang

Berikut adalah cara membuat pisang nugget yang gampang dan lezat.


Pisang uli/pisang apa saja yang sudah matang dan empuk
Adonan basah :
3 sdm tepung terigu
2 sdm tepung beras secukupnya
Air dingin
1 sdm gula
1/2 sdt garam
Tepung roti
Minyak goreng
Topping (tiramissu dan greentea)


 1.Kupas pisang dan potong menjadi 2 atau 3 bagian
 2.Campurkan semua adonan basah (tepung terigu, tepung beras, air dingin, gula dan garam)
3.Aduk hingga merata dan konsentrasinya tidak kekentalan dan juga tidak keenceran
4.Masukkan pisang ke dalam adonan basah, aduk hingga terendam semua
5.Lalu balur potongan pisang ke tepung roti
6.Siapkan minyak goreng
7.Api sedang, dan goreng pisang hingga terendam minyak semua (deep frying)
8.Goreng hingga golden brown, lalu tiriskan
9.Jika minyak sudah tiris, lalu beri topping untuk pisang nuggetnya.

Cara Membuat Kue Bolu(How To Make A Chocolate Cake)

kue bolu coklat

  • Bahan:(ingredients)
    12 butir telur(12 eggs)
    1/4 kg mentega(1/4 kg of butter)
    3/8 kg gula(3/8 kg of sugar)
    2 bungkus vanilla(2 sachet of vanilla)
    1/2 sdm ovalet(1/2 tbs of Ovalet)
    3 1/2 ons tepung terigu(3 1/2 ons of wheat flour)
    5 sdm susu bubuk(5 tbs of milk powder)
    1 paket bubuk coklat.(1 package of chocolate powder)

  • Langkah-langkah:(steps)
    1. Keluarkan kuning telur dan putih telur dan letakkan di mangkuk yang berbeda.
    ( Remove the egg yolk and albumen and place them in different bowl.)

    2. Campur mentega, gula, vanili, dan ovalet selama 10 menit.
    (Mix the butter, sugar, vanilla, and ovalet for 10 minutes)

    3. Masukkan kuning telur ke dalam adonan dan aduk rata setidaknya 10 menit.
    (Put the yolk into the dough and blend again at least 10 minutes)

    4. Tuang tepung terigu sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam adonan dan aduk rata.
    (Pour the wheat flour little by little into the dough and stir well)

    5. Tuangkan sedikit bubuk susu ke dalam adonan dan aduk rata.
    (Pour the milk powder little by little into the dough and stir well)

    6. Tuangkan bubuk coklat sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam adonan dan aduk rata.
    (Pour the chocolate powder little by little into the dough and stir well)

    7. Campurkan putih telur sekitar 5 menit.
    (Pour the chocolate powder little by little into the dough and stir well)

    8. Tuangkan putih telur ke dalam adonan. Blender mereka sekitar 10 menit.
    (Pour the albumen into the dough. Blend them around 10 minutes)

    9. Siapkan loyang yang dilumasi dengan mentega. Tuangkan adonan. Masukkan ke dalam oven dan panggang sekitar 40 menit dalam 25 derajat celcius.
    (Prepare a baking pan lubricated with butter. Pour the dough. Put into the oven and bake around 40 minutes in 25 degrees celcius)

    10. Angkat kue dan taruh di piring. Sebarkan gula di atasnya. Kue bolu siap disajikan.(Lift the cake and put on the plate. Spread some sugar on it. The bolu cake is ready to serve)

Selamat mencoba 🙂

Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Perfect Ed-Sheeran

I found a love for me
Aku temukan cintaku
Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
Kasih, tempuhlah dan ikuti langkahku
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
Nah, aku menemukan seorang gadis, cantik serta manis
Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
Oh, aku tak pernah tahu kau seseorang yang menantikanku
‘Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Karena kita hanyalah anak-anak ketika jatuh cinta
Not knowing what it was
Tak mengerti itu
I will not give you up this time
Aku tak akan berikan padamu hingga saat ini
But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own
Tapi kasih, ciumlah aku perlahan, perasaanmulah segala yang kupunya
And in your eyes you’re holding mine
Dan dalam tatapanmu kaulah milik ku
Baby, I’m dancing in the dark with you between my arms
Sayang, aku menari dalam kegelapan bersamamu di pelukan
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
Tak beralas kaki di rumput, mendengarkan lagu kesukaan kita
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath
Saat kau berkata kau tampah kacau, aku berbisik dengan pelan
But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight
Tapi kau mendengarnya, kau terlihat sempurna malam ini
Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know
Ya aku temukan wanita, lebih tangguh dari siapapun yang kukenal
She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I’ll share her home
Dia mimpinya sama denganku, aku berharap kelak aku bisa satu rumah
I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets
Aku temukan cinta, untuk membawa lebih banyak dari sekedar rahasiaku
To carry love, to carry children of our own
Tuk membawa cinta, tuk membawa anak-anak kita sendiri
We are still kids, but we’re so in love
Kita masih anak-anak, tapi kami begitu mencintai
Fighting against all odds
Berjuang hadapi segala rintangan
I know we’ll be alright this time
Aku tahu kita akan baik-baik saja saat ini
Darling, just hold my hand
Kasih, peganglah tanganku
Be my girl, I’ll be your man
Jadilah kekasihku, aku akan jadi kekasihmu
I see my future in your eyes
Aku lihat masa depanku di matamu
Baby, I’m dancing in the dark with you between my arms
Sayang, aku menari dalam kegelapan bersamamu di pelukan
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
Tak beralas kaki di rumput, mendengarkan lagu kesukaan kita
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath
Saat kau berkata kau tampah kacau, aku berbisik dengan pelan
But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight
Tapi kau mendengarnya, kau terlihat sempurna malam ini
Baby, I’m dancing in the dark with you between my arms
Sayang, aku menari dalam kegelapan bersamamu di pelukan
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
Tak beralas kaki di rumput, mendengarkan lagu kesukaan kita
I have faith in what I see
Aku berkeyakinan dengan yang kulihat
Now I know I have met an angel in person
Kini aku tahu, aku tlah bertemu malaikat berwujud manusia
And she looks perfect, no I don’t deserve this
Dan dia terlihat sempurna, tidak, aku tak layak
You look perfect tonight
Kau terlihat sempurna malam ini

Cara Membuat Kelepon Ubi Ungu Yang Simpel

Ubi ungu mengandung antioksidan dan betakaroten yang tinggi dan pada zaman sekarang ubi ungu juga bisa saja di sajikan menjadi makanan yang menarik dan gampang cara pembuatan nya. Salah satu nya yaitu “kelepon”.Sekarang kelepon dibuat tidak hanya dengan pandan saja,tetapi dari ubi ungu juga bisa.berikut adalah cara pembuatannya:


  1. 200 gr ubi ungu, kukus, haluskan
  2. 200 gr tepung ketan putih
  3. Secukupnya air hangat
  4. 150 gr gula merah, iris2 (utk isian)
  5. Taburan: (campur, kukus 10 menit)
  6. 1/2 butir kelapa setengah tua, parut memanjang
  7. 1/2 sdt garam
  8. 1 lbr daun pandan


  • 1.Campur ubi halus dan tepung ketan, tuangi air hangat sedikit demi sedikit sampai di dpt adonan yg kalis dan lembut.

  • 2.Ambil sedikit adonan (me:1 sdm) pipihkan, isi dgn gula merah lalu bulatkan, lakukan sampai adonan habis.

  • 3.Masukan bulatan adonan ke dlm air yg sdh mendidih.. masak sampai matang & mengapung, angkat tiriskan.

  • 4.Gulingkan langsung ke dlm kelapa parut… susun di piring & sajikan.